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Discover the Transformative Power of Effective Communication!

The ABCs of Effective Communication

By Richard Nicastro, Ph.D.
Psychologist & Relationship Coach

Here's a quick quiz that can make a big difference in your marriage or relationship. Answer the following questions:

Do you desire a marriage or relationship that brings greater harmony and fulfillment to your life?

Is your relationship a top priority for you?
Are you willing to give your marriage or relationship more time and attention?
Are you prepared to fill your relationship toolbox with powerful communication strategies that are easy to implement?

The bad news is, my hands-on e-workbook is not for everyone...If you answered NO to these questions, you're probably not ready to do the relationship-changing work my e-book requires—so The ABCs of Effective Communication may not be right for you. I don't want you to waste your hard-earned money by purchasing something you're not ready to use.

The good news is, if you answered YES to any (or all) of the above:

You're clearly ready and you can create a stronger, more vibrant relationship
with the communication skills I reveal in my e-book.

"Thanks, Rich! The ABCs of Effective Communication is really helping our marriage. I love the way you break down the essential communication skills into an easy to remember formula. Now my husband doesn’t have the excuse that he 'forgot.' It's really making a difference...Thanks again!"

~Rosalie, Englewood CO


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Effective communication doesn't just happen -- the skills need to be learned!

Whether you're dating, getting married for the first time, remarried or together for fifty years, The ABC's of Effective Communication will teach you the essential skills you'll need to communicate more effectively with your spouse/partner.

The sad fact is that the vast majority of couples haven't learned the skills needed to create a successful relationship. Too many couples start off assuming their relationship is immune to the relationship problems and marital challenges that so many couples face--but they're sadly mistaken.

Even some of the best relationships suffer because couples simply don't utilize the effective communication skills needed for a long-term, fulfilling union. Just because you're deeply in love with your spouse/partner doesn't mean your relationship is immune to the relationship stresses and challenges all couples face.

How can communication skills help your marriage or relationship?

Each and every day millions of people fall in love and dream of creating a lifetime of happy memories together. But the unfortunate reality is that many of these relationships won't last.

And the situation gets even bleaker when you realize that the statistics don't show the number of couples who unhappily remain together while enduring unnecessary conflict and hardship.

But you don't have to resign yourself to the bleak statistics: there is a way to protect your relationship. You add the effort, and Dr. Nicastro adds the information.

MYTH: Feeling deep love for your spouse/partner makes your relationship immune to significant problems. This assumption is simply wrong!

The fact is that most divorced people will tell you that at one time, they were head-over-heels in love with the person they later divorced. And there were probably moments when their relationship felt like an amazing gift. Sadly, feeling like you've finally found your soulmate isn't enough to protect your relationship and ensure success.

FACT: The truth is, most people who are married or in a long-term, committed relationship communicate in ways that just come naturally to them, in ways they don't have to think about. And because they rely on the automatic, they don't take advantage of critical communication skills that can prevent marriage problems and relationship stress.

Your current communication style was learned and that means that new, more effective ways of communicating can be learned now. I show you how in The ABCs of Effective Communication!

Effective communication is an essential part of creating a healthy relationship. To communicate effectively, you and your spouse/partner need the critical tools found in The ABCs of Effective Communication.

In order for your relationship to develop and flourish, you have to build communication bridges that will need to be continuously traveled. Along the way, a great deal of learning will occur (some planned, some by trial and error) and you may hit some unexpected potholes… (See Chapter 1, page 12 to find out more about how to create communication bridges)

In my new information-packed e-workbook, I break down the complexities of relationship communication into manageable, easy-to-remember parts: the ABCs of communication, for speakers and listeners.

Let's face it, when you and your partner try to discuss sensitive issues (especially after a long and stressful day), defensiveness, misunderstandings and a breakdown in communication are more likely. Ongoing patterns of defensiveness can erode intimacy and spell serious trouble.

The straightforward ABC communication model I lay out for you will help prevent and reverse the communication problems that can spell serious trouble for your relationship.

"I've read so many relationship books, but a big part of the problem is that I forget to remember what I've read. The ABCs of Effective Communication makes the communication skills we need easy to remember. Each letter in the ABCs stands for an essential communication skill. I couldn't forget even if I wanted to! My partner and I joke and remind each other of the skills by shouting what each letter stands for…"

~Ginny and Frank, Los Angeles, celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary


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MYTH: Relationship problems are likely to go away on their own with the passage of time.

FACT: In my experience as a psychologist and relationship coach, when couples overlook or minimize certain relationship problems, these issues fester and grow until they cannot be ignored any longer. Unfortunately, for many couples a crisis needs to occur before they take a serious look at their relationship.

Many of the couples I work with could have prevented painful relationship problems if they had learned the essential communication skills I teach in my e-workbook.

Couples who struggle in this vital area of their relationship report significant problems. But there's good news—these problems are preventable.

Excerpt from the ABCs of Effective Communication

All communication includes a 'what' (the content of your message--the words you use) and a 'how' (how you deliver the content). Body language is the how--the message's gift wrapping. Very often, body language is essential in determining whether or not your partner will be receptive to your message!

The tone and volume of your voice, your facial expressions, whether or not you make eye contact, and your posture, all ultimately enhance or undermine your message. If your body language exudes disinterest, judgment or hostility, your partner is likely to disregard your message.

(See chapter 3 to discover more about the power of body language)

Dear Friend,

My name is Rich Nicastro and for fifteen years I worked as a psychologist with individuals and couples wanting to build a stronger marriage or relationship. And for the last few years I've worked as a marriage and relationship coach with people from all over the world.

I've witnessed the transformative power of effective communication on the lives of couples. Unfortunately, many couples overlook the essential communication skills needed for a great relationship and instead search endlessly for the "secrets" of successful relationships.

The simple truth is that there are no secrets or "quick fixes" to creating a happy marriage or relationship. What's needed? Specific relationship tools to help you create a stronger marriage or relationship. And the good news: you can learn the communication tools that have helped so many couples.

"The ABCs of Effective Communication is so practical that you can't help using what you learn. Do yourself and your relationship a favor and read Dr. Nicastro's workbooks!"

~ Valerie T., Social Worker, London


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Now, stay with me and listen closely. My training as a psychologist and my extensive experience working with hundreds of individuals and couples wanting to improve their relationship has given me the first-hand knowledge of what works for couples, and—just as importantly—what doesn't work.

The good news is that you can reap the benefits of my experience and build a more fulfilling, harmonious relationship with your spouse/partner.

Why This is Not an Ordinary E-Book

Here's why The ABCs of Effective Communication: An E-workbook for Couples is unique:

1. The entire e-book is dedicated to the goal of helping you and your spouse/partner become highly effective communicators. That's right, every single information-packed page focuses on teaching you the powerful communication skills you'll need to create and maintain a strong relationship. So many "how to" products try to fix every relationship problem and end up confusing the reader. The ABCs of Effective Communication gives you a clear, hands-on guide to becoming a better communicator.

2. The ABCs of Effective Communication gives you a step-by-step formula that is easy to understand and use. After reading and completing the exercises in my e-book and learning the precise communication skills I describe, you'll place yourself in the driver's seat of your relationship and will no longer leave the outcome of your relationship to chance.

3. The ideas in this e-book are the result of my extensive experience working with individuals and couples who want to protect their relationship. The fact is that anyone can call themselves a relationship expert or coach. When you buy an information product on someone's website, you cannot be certain about the usefulness and quality of the information. I want you to be confident that the information I offer comes from my professional training, extensive experience and up-to-date knowledge of the research on marriage and relationships.

4. You'll have access to dozens of effective communication exercises I use in my work with couples. This workbook is loaded with exercises that I use in my marriage and relationship coaching practice. You'll have opportunity after opportunity to integrate the information and skills you'll learn into your relationship.

5. You'll hear about real-life couples just like you -- couples who struggle with the marriage and relationship issues we all face. For any book to be helpful, it must be relevant to your unique relationship struggles. In the ABCs of Effective Communication you'll have a front-row seat to see what other couples are doing to become better communicators.

6. "The ABCs of Effective Communication" is an encapsulation of the material I use with my real-life clients. Now you can have the same information clients pay $175 per session for in one information-packed resource. And, unlike a session of counseling that's here one minute and gone the next, you can come back to this valuable material again and again while learning at your own pace.

7. This e-book goes deeper than other products out there by helping you assess your communication roadblocksyou'll discover the powerful, often hidden internal blocks that can stall communication, despite your best efforts. All too often, couples fail to make the changes they desire because they lack awareness of the internal communication blocks that hold them back—get ready to overcome these hurdles in The ABCs of Effective Communication.


The ABCs of Effective Communication

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Here's a sneak peek at what you'll find when you get your hands on The ABCs of Effective Communication: An E-workbook For Couples:

  • Time and time again communication breaks down because of a certain pervasive error that people make when listening to their partner. Learn how this communication error negatively impacts your relationship and what you can do about it. See Page 82

  • How to effectively craft your message and motivate your spouse/partner to listen and actively respond to your needs. See Page 11

  • Did you realize that there are key ingredients to effective listening? In your role as the listener you have the power to create a deeper, more rewarding bond with your spouse/partner. You'll discover the 3 essential skills needed to listen in ways that promote greater understanding and intimacy. See pages 69-93

  • Find out which communication roadblocks can hurt intimacy and undermine your efforts to communicate. See Pages 4 and 49

  • So many couples violate this essential principle of effective speaking. You'll discover why you're vulnerable to breaking this important communication rule and how to make this skill a regular part of your relationship toolbox. See Page 34

  • Discover exercises to keep your mind primed for those quiet, intimate moments that can strengthen the foundation of your relationship. See Page 72

  • Learn how your assumptions create relationship blind-spots that can lead to chronic misunderstandings and unnecessary conflict. You'll learn how to overcome your relationship blind-spots and bridge communication gaps. See Page 112

  • How to use your body language to send a more powerful and convincing message to your spouse/partner. See Page 16

  • Too many couples omit this essential communication step. You've done your best to let your spouse/partner know what you need, but nothing seems to bring about the changes you desire. At this point couples often give up or they keep repeating the communication patterns that haven't been working. Discover the golden communication nugget that has helped countless couples. See Page 41

The above is an abbreviated list of the extensive information I've brought together in The ABCs of Effective Communication: An E-workbook for couples.

"We decided to try Dr. Nicastro's e-book because of his experience working with couples. We read his articles and really like what he has to say. After we both read the ABCs of Effective Communication, me and Julie made the decision to do our favorite exercises for a minimum of two months and within only a few weeks it's really made a difference in our relationship. And when we slip up or get too busy to practice, we jokingly say to each other: 'Remember your communication ABCs!"

"Owning this e-book is like having an experienced counselor with us whenever we need!"

~Sebastian and Julie, Corrales, NM

The benefits of a healthy, strong marriage or relationship cannot be overstated. Clearly, your relationship is a top priority in your life and you want the best for it—you wouldn't be reading this if that weren't the case.

How much would you pay for the tools to keep your marriage or relationship healthy?

So many people have told me that their marriage or relationship is priceless. But relationship peace of mind doesn't have to break the bank.

You can get your copy of The ABCs of Effective Communication for only $24.95.


The ABCs of Effective Communication

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"I look forward to the privilege of helping you make your marriage or relationship everything it can be!"

Wishing you a great relationship,

Rich Nicastro, Ph.D.
Psychologist & Relationship Coach

P.S. My personal guarantee: Use the communication tools in my workbook for at least three months and if you don't feel that you're communicating more effectively with your spouse/partner, you'll be eligible to receive a half-hour coaching call with me, Dr. Nicastro, for free (an $87.50 value). The call will focus on how to utilize communication strategies to the specific needs of your relationship.

Copyright © 2007 - 2009 LifeTalk Coaching, LLC
All Rights Reserved
Richard Nicastro, Ph.D.
International Coach Federation Member Logo Disclaimer: The information at is for general reference only and should not be misconstrued as counseling advice, diagnosis, as a replacement for psychotherapy, or to be used to treat mental illness. Consult your counselor to determine the best course of action for you.